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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Donald Trump Backlash: Women Now Live-Tweeting Their Periods At Him

The fight against Donald Trump is getting bloody! Women all over the country are NOT letting his ridiculous, sexist comments against Megyn Kelly slide — and they’re doing it in a — let’s say — very creative way!
If there’s one way to make Donald Trump, 65, really uncomfortable, it’s to live-tweet your period at him! That’s the idea tons of women around the United States have with #periodsarenotaninsult, which aims to tell Donald that his comments about Fox News host Megyn Kelly, 44, in which he insinuated that she was on her period while hosting the GOP debate (ugh), were uncalled for. Go ladies!
Donald has a thoroughly documented history of making insulting remarks about anyone and everyone, but women took particular offense with his latest: attacking Megyn for her tough questioning at the first GOP debate of the election season on Thursday, August 6. While speaking on CNN on August 7, host Don Lemon asked Donald about the struggle he had with Megyn during the debate, who asked him about misogynistic comments he’d made in the past. His reply: “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever.”Dude. No. Many took his comments to mean that he was referring to her period — that she was acting irrationally during the debate because she was menstruating. You know, that old sexist argument that women are crazy because they’re on their periods? Yeah, not cool. While Donald vehemently denied that this is what he meant, many women weren’t buying it. Instead, they’ve been taking to Twitter to share what’s happening during their periods with Donald. He’s probably so thrilled!

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