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Saturday, August 8, 2015

Party girls and too much sex: Why some Indian men seek divorce

India still has one of the lowest divorce rates in the world, but marriage breakdowns are becoming more common.
Experts say most cases of divorce in India are filed on the grounds of abuse, or what's legally termed as "cruelty". But what amounts to abuse has long been open to debate, especially when determining whether psychological trauma has been afflicted on a person during marriage.
The Supreme Court has said there cannot be any "strait-jacket formula or fixed parameters for determining mental cruelty in matrimonial matters".
Because of its wide legal definition, Indian courts have had to rule on a host of bizarre interpretations of what constitutes non-physical abuse. Atish Patel shares a few of the more unlikely examples.
Party pooper
Sex machine
Fashion police
Acne 'trauma'
'Hostile hospitality'
Going back even further, in 1985 the Allahabad high court in an appeal hearing upheld a lower court's decision that the refusal by a woman to make tea for her husband's friends had left him humiliated and along with other factors, including her decision to terminate a pregnancy without his knowledge, amounted to mental abuse and acceptable grounds for divorce.

Last week, the Bombay high court overturned a family court ruling from 2011 that granted divorce to a sailor who claimed his wife's regular partying, among other things, was a form of abuse.
The court observed that the 42-year-old man, who married his wife in 1999, was also in the "habit of enjoying parties", and therefore could not conclude that the woman had subjected the man to cruelty, either physically or mentally.
"He is not entitled for a decree of divorce on the ground of cruelty," the court said.
While overturning the lower court's ruling, Bombay high court Justice ML Tahaliyani noted: "Socialising to some extent in the present society is permissible."

A sexless marriage is a common trigger for divorce globally. But last year, a man in Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay) wanted to divorce his wife because of too much sex.
In his petition, the man described his wife as having an "excessive and insatiable appetite for sex" ever since their marriage in April 2012, according to a report by the Press Trust of India news agency.
He alleged that she would force him to have sex, even at times when he was sick, and threatened to sleep with other men when he refused.
He said his wife's "cruel behaviour" and her "adamant, aggressive, stubborn and autocratic" nature had made it difficult for him to live with her.
Last year a family court in Mumbai ruled in the husband's favour and granted a divorce after his wife failed to appear before the court, with the husband's evidence remaining unchallenged, the news report said.

In another case, a man sought a divorce from his wife on the grounds of cruelty in part because of her dress sense.
The man, in his 30s and married since 2009, was reportedly anguished by his wife's decision to often wear shirts and trousers to her workplace instead of traditional Indian clothing.
A family court passed a divorce order three years ago, but in March last year, the Bombay high court overturned it.
"The door of cruelty cannot be opened so wide, otherwise divorce will have to be granted in every case of incompatibility of temperament," the court ruled.

Arranged marriages remain common in India but the reason one man gave for wanting to end his union was far from usual - he complained of being traumatised by his wife's acne problem.
In his divorce petition, he argued that the pimples and boils on his wife's face prevented him from consummating their marriage during their honeymoon in 1998.
Ruling in favour of the husband in 2002, a family court in Mumbai said the "repulsive condition of the wife is undoubtedly tragic for the wife but this is traumatic for the spouse".
The court added: "The woman played a fraud on him by not disclosing the fact that she had a [skin] disease."
The ruling came despite the wife's doctor telling the court her skin condition was treatable and would not negatively affect their sex life.
Although skin diseases like acne are not legally recognised as grounds for divorce, under India's Hindu Marriage Act - which applies to 80% of the country's population who consider themselves Hindu - leprosy or a "venereal disease in a communicable form", including HIV-Aids or hepatitis B, can be grounds to end a marriage.

Saudi Arabia flexing its muscles in Middle East

Something is stirring in Saudi Arabia. Gone is the historically conservative, don't-rock-the-boat, tip-toeing approach to the big, strategic issues of the Middle East.
In its place has come a new, assertive attitude that is seeing the oil-rich kingdom set off on previously untried and potentially risky ventures.
In Yemen, the Saudi military has now been at war with Houthi rebels for more than four months.
In Syria, Saudi patronage for Islamist rebels opposed to the government of President Bashar al-Assad has been stepped up dramatically - and, on the Iran nuclear deal, well-placed Saudi sources have let it be known that if they assess Tehran as likely to acquire nuclear weapons in the future, then Saudi Arabia will go down the same path, triggering a Middle Eastern arms race.
So, what's behind this?
Jeddah, September 2013, and I am sitting in an air-conditioned reception room in a well-guarded palace, close to the shores of the Red Sea.
There are only two other people in the room, Crown Prince - now King - Salman Bin Abdulaziz al-Saud and his most favoured son, Prince Mohammed Bin Salman.
On that day, Prince Salman was still 16 months away from succeeding his brother King Abdullah to the throne.
But as the country's defence minister, he had just rushed back from holiday in Morocco to take charge of Saudi forces, which were then poised to support the Americans in launching punitive missile strikes on Assad.
The missile strikes were supposed to be an international response to the widely-held belief that the Syrian regime was behind the massive nerve gas attack at Ghouta that summer, which killed hundreds of Syrian civilians.
But thanks to a Russian-brokered deal that saw Assad give up his chemical arsenal - or most of it - the missile strikes were called off at the eleventh hour.

Young but ambitious

For the Saudi leadership, this was a seminal moment and a turning point in its dealings with the US.
The Saudis felt utterly let down by their long-time American allies. They had been hoping that combined international military action against the Assad regime would finally turn the corner in that country's civil war, removing Iran's only allied Arab ruler, President Assad, and replacing him with a Sunni-led government.
When this did not happen, the senior Saudi princes and decision-makers resolved that, from then on, they would have to take matters into their own hands.
Step forward the young, militarily inexperienced, but highly ambitious Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, the younger man present in that meeting in Jeddah.

At about 30 years old, he is possibly the world's youngest defence minister.
He is also the visible face of the massive Saudi-led military campaign to push back the Shia Houthi rebels in Yemen and restore the exiled President Hadi, a Saudi ally, to power.
In Saudi news bulletins, the tall and often unshaven Prince Mohammed can be seen visiting operations rooms, inspecting plans, conferring with his generals.
To the surprise of many, his gamble appears to be paying off, although the hapless Yemeni population has paid a heavy price.
After four months of relentless pounding of Houthi positions with airstrikes, the blockading of Yemeni ports and airports and the landing in Aden of an entire UAE armoured brigade, the Houthis are now on the back foot.
Despite an estimated 3,000 people killed and 80% of the Yemeni population now reliant on aid, the Saudi leadership appears determined to see the campaign through and force the Houthis to sue for peace.
For Saudi Arabia, this is about more than just securing its southern flank.
The Saudis fear they are being steadily encircled by Iranian allies and this is something they want to reverse.
In Yemen they see the Shia Houthis as being a proxy militia for Iran, although in reality the Houthis owed their earlier gains to support they got from the ousted former President Saleh, not the Iranians.
In Iraq, they have watched in dismay as the Sunni regime of Saddam Hussein has given way to a Shia-led government with extremely close ties to Tehran. Iranian-trained militias were instrumental in helping Iraq retake the town of Tikrit from IS.
In Syria, the Saudis see Iran's proxy, Hezbollah, battling Sunni rebels - and in Bahrain and their own eastern province, they have long suspected Iran's Quds Force of encouraging unrest amongst the Shia population.
So how will this end? Badly, say Saudi Arabia's detractors.
They think the country is over-reaching itself and backing some dangerous players in places like Syria, feeding into a wave of Sunni jihadism that will bring more violence from IS supporters to the streets of Saudi Arabia, as well as elsewhere.
But some seasoned observers who have been watching the newfound Saudi assertiveness say that, in the wake of the disastrous Arab Spring that has brought such misery to much of the Arab world, Saudi Arabia had no choice but to look after its own interests, form its own alliances and forge its own path, irrespective of what Washington is up to.

A New Solution That Stops Snoring and Lets You Sleep

If you’re like most Americans you probably don’t get eight hours sleep each night.
But, if you also constantly feel exhausted, experience headaches for no obvious reason or have high blood pressure, you could have a more serious problem.
That’s because these can all be the result of snoring—which is, in turn, the most common symptom of a potentially serious health problem—obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
While most people think of snoring as a minor annoyance, research shows it can be hazardous to your health.  That’s because for over 18 million Americans it’s related to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). People who suffer from OSA repeatedly and unknowingly stop breathing during the night due to a complete or partial obstruction of their airway.  It occurs when the jaw, throat, and tongue muscles relax, blocking the airway used to breathe.  The resulting lack of oxygen can last for a minute or longer, and occur hundreds of times each night.  

Thankfully, most people wake when a complete or partial obstruction occurs, but it can leave you feeling completely exhausted.  OSA has also been linked to a host of health problems including:
  • Acid reflux
  • Frequent nighttime urination
  • Memory loss
  • Stroke
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Heart attack
People over 35 are at higher risk.
OSA can be expensive to diagnosis and treat, and is not always covered by insurance.  A sleep clinic will require an overnight visit (up to $5,000).  Doctors then analyze the data and prescribe one of several treatments.  These may require you to wear uncomfortable CPAP devices that force air through your nose and mouth while you sleep to keep your airways open, and may even include painful surgery.
Fortunately, there is now a comfortable, far less costly and invasive treatment option available.  A recent case study published by Eastern Virginia Medical School's Division of Sleep Medicine in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine concludes that wearing a simple chinstrap while you sleep can be an effective treatment for OSA.
The chin strap, which is now available from a company called MySnoringSolution, works by supporting the lower jaw and tongue, preventing obstruction of the airway.  It’s made from a high-tech, lightweight, and super-comfortable material.  Thousands of people have used the MySnoringSolution chinstrap to help relieve their snoring symptoms, and they report better sleeping, and better health overall because of it.

10 Celebrities Who Lost a Lot of Weight

There is an immense pressure on celebrities to maintain a top figure regardless of their situations. The commoners can be rather unforgiving in their approach if they fail to see the stars fitting their ideal body shape and image. They resort to fat shaming and delivering scathing remarks on numerous social outlets and it can be a bitter pill to swallow for the celebrities. Nonetheless, many of them succumb to the pressure and work towards getting into their best shape, which ultimately bodes well for them. Today, we’ll dwell upon 10 celebrities who have lost a lot of weight since their debut.

1. Jennifer Hudson
Jennifer Hudson became a sensation after participating in the reality-singing competition, American Idol. Her elimination from the competition during the Top 7 show was met with wild disbelief and shock. However, her big break came in the year 2005 when she joined the stellar cast of Jamie Foxx, Eddie Murphy, and Beyonce for the film adaptation of the musical, Dreamgirls. Her stunning performance even landed her an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. Jennifer is one of the few recipients of both the coveted Academy Award and the Grammy Award. In 2010, she stunned the world again with her amazing transformation. The woman lost 80 pounds and understandably became a spokesperson for Weight Watchers in the same year.

2. Snooki
Snooki achieved global fame for her stint in the reality TV show, Jersey Shore. Before trying her hand on the small screen, Snooki studied to become a veterinary technician at a community college. Contrary to popular belief, Jersey Shore wasn’t her first TV show; it was “Is she really going out with him?” Snooki wasn’t the skinniest one around during Jersey Shore. So, when we caught a glimpse of Snooki after the birth of her first child, we were shell-shocked. The woman shed around 50 pounds and went through an astonishing metamorphosis. She credited the weight loss to her daily training program and the intake of healthy food.

3. Jerry Ferrara
It is difficult to find people who know Jerry Ferrara. But, when the mention of Turtle from the TV show, Entourage, springs aboard, many are quick to notice him. Jerry Ferrara went through a major weight loss right in front our eyes. He diligently stuck to his workout regime during the latter seasons of Entourage and it paid him major dividends. The man dropped 50 pounds during the ordeal and looked as fit as a fiddle. Jerry admitted to substituting burgers and fries for tofu, fresh vegetables, and fruit. His confidence probably shot up after the weight loss— not that he needed a moral boost as evident in the character he portrayed in Entourage.

4. Jonah Hill
The comical fat man, Jonah Hill, doesn’t exist anymore. It is just the comical man now. In order to prepare for his role in 21 Jump Street, Jonah Hill committed to losing 40 pounds. He achieved his target with proper exercise, diet, and plenty of Japanese food. The man even hired the services of a nutritionist to reach his goal. Jonah has spoken candidly about his weight fluctuations in several interviews and he has stated his reason behind it; he calls beer his kryptonite. The turning point in the career of Jonah Hill came in the form of the movie, The 40-year-old Virgin. Although his role in the movie was brief, it was unforgettable.

5. Forest Whitaker
Forest Whitaker has wowed audiences worldwide with stellar performances in the movies, The Butler, The Last King of Scotland, Phone Booth and Out of the Furnace etc. He must be proud of the 70 pounds he put on for the movie, The Last King of Scotland. After all, his role as the infamous dictator, Idi Amin, bagged him an Oscar for best actor. Soon enough, the man lost all of the weight immediately after. In order to lose it all, he trained in martial arts and stuck to a vegetarian diet. The man regularly lends his support to PETA and promotes vegetarianism.

6. Khloe Kardashian
Khloe Kardashian was once a big curvy woman. She isn’t all that anymore as she has slimmed down. The transformation was met with a mixed reaction as many men loved the curvy Khloe more. She owed her weight loss to training five days a week with trainer, Gunnar Peterson. During the time, she allegedly drank plenty of water to counter her appetite. Khloe spoke to People magazine about her experience of controlled eating, “I kind of eat what I want, but in portion control, which I never knew before. It’s really hard. You have to train your body to eat less. Your eyes are bigger than your stomach.”

7. Chris Pratt
Chris Pratt became a bona fide A-lister after the successive releases of two blockbusters, Guardians of the Galaxy and Jurassic World. In order to prepare for his role in Jurassic World, the actor was obligated to lose 60 pounds. The difficult objective was made possible because of his commitment to a strict diet plan formulated by nutritionist, Phil Goglia. When he retained his six-pack abs, Chris famously posted a shirtless selfie and captioned it, “Six months no beer.#GOTG Kinda douchy to post this but my brother made me.”  We are sure the women weren’t complaining. It took a long time for Chris Pratt to reach the pedestal he is currently in right now and he has the right to post as many shirtless selfies as he desires.

8. Seth Rogen

Seth Rogen hasn’t exactly drastically reduced his weight at one go. But, he has been losing them steadily since his movie debut, The 40- year-old virgin. After quickly garnering glowing reviews for his performances in the aforementioned movie, the man was quickly offered roles in Knocked Up and Superbad and he didn’t disappoint. Over the years, Seth Rogen has been regularly hitting the gym with celebrity trainer, Harley Pasternak. The man also religiously sticks to his 5-Factor Diet. When Seth was chosen to star in the movie, The Green Hornet, he had to go through the excruciating process of losing 30 pounds. Seth accomplished his target in a span of nine months.

9. Zach Galifianakis
Zach Galifianakis shocked the world when he made an appearance at the 2015 SAG awards. It wasn’t his antics that hogged the limelight. It was because of the fact that he looked anything but the Zach Galifianakis we grew to love in the Hangover franchise. The man said goodbye to 50 pounds after lowering his alcohol intake. Zach told E!, “ I was having a lot of vodka with sausage. Delicious but bad for you.” The man originally showed minor signs of his weight loss at the October 2014 premiere for Birdman. We aren’t sure if the meaty roles will continue to show up at his doorstep especially after the weight loss.

10. Peter Jackson
Peter Jackson is hardly the man we once knew him to be. That isn’t a dig at his character; it is directed towards his physical transformation, a change that took place because of the loss of 70 pounds from his body. Apart from looking fitter, Peter also appears to look younger. The man was able to achieve his ideal size after restricting himself to a diet of muesli, soup, and yogurt. In order to tone up his muscles, he also stuck to working out regularly at his in-home gym. Peter Jackson is most notable for directing the Lord of the Rings trilogy and the Hobbit franchise.

Kylie Jenner: The Kindhearted Way She Kicked Off Her 18th Birthday Weekend

Kylie Jenner isn’t the only one who will be receiving presents for her birthday. The big hearted teen kicked off her birthday weekend in a sweet and charitable way, by helping brighten the lives of sick children with some gifts.
Kylie’s $200,000 Birthday Bash
Kylie Jenner, 17, surprised her young fans at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Aug. 7 by sharing in her birthday joy. The generous teen stopped by to drop off loads of presents and goodie bags in advance of her Aug. 10 birthday. So sweet!
Dressed down in a black T-shirt and ripped jeans, Kylie looked like any other teen as she brought a giant cart filled with bags upon bags of gifts to be distributed to the patients at CHLA. In a photo posted on her Instagram account, it showed a cart nearly as tall as the ceiling filled with presents wrapped in black, white and red wrapping paper. Kylie captioned the image with: “let the birthday celebrations begin! First stop: @childrensla.” Later in the day, she returned to her glamorous self in a sexy white pantsuit — she shared the look on snapchat and said she was going out to dinner with her family.While Kylie may be giving others gifts to celebrate turning 18, she might be getting a special one of her own.“Tyga wants Kylie to be in King’s life forever. He loves her that much. She’s going to be his stepmother – that’s destined. But Tyga wants her to have ties to him right now and on her 18th birthday he’s going to ask her to be King’s godmother” our source tells Hollywoodlife.comEXCLUSIVELY.
And next week, she’ll host her first party as an adult. She’ll head to Montreal, Canada on Aug. 16, where she will earn between $100,000 and $200,000 for an appearance fee. Not only is she being paid to party, but should she choose to down some champagne to celebrate turning the big 1-8, she’ll be more than free to do so as that is the legal drinking age of our neighbors to the north.
So far, we don’t know what Kylie’s plans are for her actual birthday on August 10, but we have a feeling it’ll be an epic blowout. Even big sis Kendall Jenner, 19, posted a photo on her Instagramof a passed-out looking girl in the back of a car with the caption “weekend vibes,” followed by “#KyliesTurning18ImScared.” Yikes!
No matter what happens in the days ahead, at least Kylie is starting out her birthday celebrations in a generous and charitable way.

Chris Brown Ready To Go To Any Lengths To Get Custody Of Royalty: His Attorney Says

Chris Brown is not messing around when it comes to his custody case over Royalty. She’s his baby girl, and he’s going to fight his hardest for her, our EXCLUSIVE source says!
Chris Brown, 26, is in the middle of an explosive custody battle with ex Nia Guzman, 27, over their daughter Royalty, and he’s not willing to back down when it comes to his right to see his baby. Chris’ attorney, John Nichols, spoke to EXCLUSIVELY, to set the record straight about Chris’ priorities — he’s ready to do whatever it takes to win this case!
When it comes to Royalty, Chris is giving his everything. There is no way he’s letting Nia win this case. She wants full custody of Royalty, without visitation rights for Chris. All he wants is to be able to see his daughter, and is battling Nia to win — even if that means they have to go to court.It’s a fair statement — Chris doesn’t want Royalty not to be able to see her mother, just as he doesn’t want her to grow up without him. He really just wants to work things out with Nia, but if she’s not willing to do that, then he’s throwing himself at this case full-force! The one thing Chris has made clear, which his attorney relayed to us, is that he’s not about to toss Royalty in the middle of this whole mess.
“It’s a tragedy when children are used as pawns in a lawsuit,” John told us. “In order to get one thing, people to barter with something else, a child, for instance. We have a one year-old we’re child trying to protect and want her to have consistent and systematic contact with bother parents. Chris’ sole interest is trying to co-parent Royalty with Nia.”
Chris really has his daughter’s best interests at heart when it comes to this case. It’s clear how much he truly loves her, and hopefully Nia can realize that before attempting to take her away from him. If anyone says that Chris isn’t Royalty’s father, Chris is willing to submit to a paternity test to keep things moving along, his attorney said. He’s not letting anyone question this!

Dr. Dre Surprises Fans With Release Of First Album In 16 Years One Day Early

Surprise! 16 years have passed since Dr. Dre put out a record, so he decided to release his new album one day ahead of schedule! Fans were thrilled when Dre dropped ‘Compton,’ his soundtrack inspired by the ‘Straight Outta Compton’ biopic, on Aug. 6!
Eminem Joining Dr. Dre & Ice Cube On N.W.A Reunion Tour As Honorary Member?
Nice! Dr. Dre, 50, hasn’t released an album since 1999’s 2001, and for many, it has been too long! Just because Dre makes Beats headphones instead of rap beats, he still has some tricks up his sleeves. As fans eagerly awaited Compton: A Soundtrack by Dr. Dre, he gave them what they wanted by releasing the album a day early!
It was Christmas in August for fans who have diligently waited for new music from Dre. Those who couldn’t wait to hear his new tracks in over 15 years flocked to Apple Music late on Aug. 6 to stream the new album, reports E! News. Awesome. For fans wanting to buy the album, it was released for sale, via iTunes, on Aug. 7.
Dre made Compton during the filming of the biopic based on his time with N.W.A., the hip-hop group that helped make him a rap superstar. This new release, his reported last album, features fellow N.W.A member Ice Cube, as well as Dre’s longtime friend, Snoop DoggKendrick Lamar,The Game, and Eminem, are also featured on the record.
Compton is more than just Dre’s first record in 16 years. It’s also going to make money for charity, as he will donate part of the album’s proceeds to building an arts center in Compton, California. “I feel it’s the right thing to do and I hope everybody appreciates the work I put into this album,” Dre said during an episode of his radio show, The Pharmacy.
16 years is a long time to wait. Dre’s fans were blown away when they heard he was releasing a new album, saying they were “hyped” and that they were looking forward to finally hearing new music from him. Dre must have been listening, releasing Compton a day early so they wouldn’t have to wait.
With Compton now out for the public, what’s next for Dre? If Universal Pictures chief Donna Langley gets her way, Dre will join Cube and Eminem for a N.W.A. reunion! The head of the studio that’s releasing Straight Outta Compton said that she wants the band to do a promotional tour in Europe, with Shady stepping in for the late Eazy-E.

AHS: Hotel’ Cast Breaks Down Characters, Reveal Lady Gaga’s Same-Sex Love Story

This sounds very interesting — we finally got more details of ‘American Horror Story: Hotel’ on August 7 during the Television Critics Association summer press tour in Beverly Hills! The cast revealed what we should know about their characters, and well, who’s hooking up with who!

American Horror Story: Hotel has a lot of romances, a lot of hate, and a lot of horror — and that’s just what we know before it begins! Ryan Murphy joined the cast at TCA for a panel and he revealed that Lady Gagas character will have relationships with Matt Bomer, Angela Bassettand Cheyenne Jackson. So how does Finn Wittrock fit in? And what are the other cast members doing?
Each went down the line to share details on their parts, so here’s what we can tell you:
– Finn Wittrock will be playing a male model named Tristan Duffy who’s always looking for the next high, and finds it in in Lady Gaga’s character. “We have a lot to do together. She sees all of me,” Finn said.
– Cheyenne Jackson plays Will Drake, a creative fashion icon, who moved to LA to try and reestablish himself. He’s a father and “a little desperate.”
– Denis O’Hare will play Liz Taylor, a movie icon. No, he’s no actually her, but a person inspired by “the awesomeness” of her. Liz works in the hotel bar, Blue Parrot Lounge, where they have homemade coasters. He shaved his head (and other body parts) for the role.
– ChloĆ« Sevigny, plays Wes Bentley’s wife, Alex. She’s a mother, a doctor, and dealing with a great loss in the family.
– Matt Bomer is playing Donovan, a denizen of the hotel, and closely associated with Kathy, Gaga and Finn. “He has very interesting relationships with the lady folk in his life,” Matt said.
– Wes Bentley plays Detective John Lowe, who’s dealing with the loss in the family, and spends his time investigating murders.
– Angela Bassett plays Ramona, a sexy actress, who doesn’t live at the hotel but visits a lot. She has “a very strong, real, lasting, relationship” with Gaga. She admits she’ll probably be “at odds” with Matt Bomer’s character over “who gets the girl.”
– Kathy Bates plays Iris, who runs the hotel. Iris hates Sarah Paulson’s character, but has close relationships with both Matt Bomer, Wes Bentley, and Denis O’Hare. I can’t stand Sarah Paulson. Oh, and she does crossword puzzles in her spare time.
– Sarah Paulson plays a “vile” Sally, who is sexy, but a drug addict. She lives at the hotel and hates Iris — for reasons that are revealed quickly. She also has a “budding something” with Wes’ character.
– Finally, Lady Gaga plays Elizabeth, the hotel owner. She’s wealthy and social and “is consumed with art and fashion and people.” Her “nefarious plan” will be revealed in episode one. And she finally will start shooting on Monday, August 10.
Ryan and Brad Falchuk also added that the idea for hotel came from surveillance footage from two years ago of a woman in a hotel elevator, who was never seen again. So, if that doesn’t creep you out, I don’t know what will!